Global Majority Wellness offers services and trainings designed to facilitate multifaceted wellness for racially/ethnically
marginalized people.
Our Mission
Facilitating wellness for racially/ethnically marginalized people with love, liberation, equity, and creativity.
Our Purpose
Global Majority Wellness is dedicated to using love, liberation, equity, and creativity informed therapeutic interventions to help racially/ethnically marginalized people realize wellness.
Global Majority Wellness provides continuing education and training for mental health, education, business, religious, and medical professionals, and we engage in and support activist work to reach collective liberation.
Core Values
We do all of our work with a love ethic, which requires us to release the drive to dominate others and engage with empathy, “care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, and trust, as well as honest and open communication” (hooks, 2000).
We apply a love ethic toward the goal that every racially/ethnically marginalized human alive and to be born is “to be free, to live fully and well” (hooks, 2000). Perceptions of freedom may differ, so we partner with people to help them liberate themselves in ways that work for them and maintain liberation for others.
We recognize that based on our intersecting identities, we all do not benefit from the same privileges or experience the same marginalization; we differentiate our healing praxis and equitably distribute center resources.
We remain open-minded and receptive to inspiration about the many ways we can heal. We are willing to innovate and respond to opportunities to heal based on multiple ways of inquiring, learning, knowing, and doing.